Monday, September 19, 2011


Didn't make it to the state fair, so got to work on my craft room. My husband calls it my 'crap room.' It is probably justified, it's become a catchall for everything. Should have taken a picture, but it was too embarrassing! Still needs a lot of work, but progressing slowly.
Moved the Christmas decorations out for a start. Found the closet actually has a floor! Better get back at it.

Adding another pic of the projects I made for coworkers.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting Crafty

While working at the library, many donations came in every week or so. Some were moldy or dusty from being in garages and basements for years. Most of those had to be discarded.
Some were really outdated, old computer books, solar system books that still have Pluto as a planet, etc.
Some were added to the collection, a great set of quilting books from a local quilter.
Some were sent to a company that sells used books online, then sends money to library.
Occasionally we received something valuable, usually not.
Just before I retired we had several boxes of old books that looked really interesting. A hundred years old, or older. Not any great value, but beautiful bindings and pictures, and perfectly yellowed pages.
I left a donation to Friends of the Library, and brought home the falling apart leftovers.
These are great resources for craft or art projects. Picture above is a gift I created for one of my coworkers. Not completely original, I have been searching websites and blogs for ideas, and thanks to the creative skills of others, and their willingness to share, I have many hours of fun ahead.
I'll post more later as I complete them.
Hoping to get to the state fair this week.


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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Home from Colorado.
I absolutely love the mountains, but they don't seem to love me anymore. Hard to get enough oxygen, and my bum knee doesn't like going up and down hills or steps. What I hate, is slowing down everyone else, so it's nice to find a bench or rock to sit and enjoy the fresh air, sunshine and cool breeze. And the views are wonderful wherever you look.
People watching is one of my favorite activities. Young families with strollers or toddlers in tow, dog walkers, couples taking pictures of each other, and happy to have an old woman take their pic together. Everyone enjoying the last big summer holiday.
Family get-together was the main reason for the visit. A possibly volatile mix; myself, my husband, my ex-husband and his new bride, our three children, two of their spouses and one new grandchild. The oldtimers got along fine, the siblings were all a little tense. Hopefully they will work out their insecurities and disagreements with time, or at least learn to hide them better.
Do parents ever get to relax and feel like their job is done?
Well, back to enjoying my retirement! The dogs are home from doggy jail, as happy to see me as I was to see them. Lots on the schedule for the next month, cataract surgery, pacemaker replacement, some days at the state fair with oldest daughter, and all those projects I haven't got to yet.
Time to get busy!
Looking forward to a great Fall!
